Commit To Discovering New Possibilities

Commit to Discovering New Possibilities

You’ve completed your first week of the walking challenge! Have you discovered anything new so far? Walking opens up so many possibilities, whether it’s realizing something about yourself or seeing something fresh and exciting in the world around you. Take a minute to look at some of this week’s resources to help you discover more, right where you are—in Arlington!


Read more about how planning ahead enables you to handle most, if not all, of your grocery shopping or quick errands on foot. Check out the Arlington Walks Series on YouTube to hear from everyday people in Arlington and where they love to walk. Also, join the private Facebook group to connect with us and other program participants, in addition to receiving daily motivation and tips throughout the challenge. Enjoy the walking tunes in this week’s Spotify playlist and hear more from Mark about discovering new possibilities.

Walk To Run Errands

Arlington Walks





Take A Self-Guided Walk

Discover something new by spicing up your walks with one of our self-guided walking tours. Download the Sidewalk app on your smartphone. Then, search under “WalkArlington” to find our neighborhood walks. They’re a great way to have fun and learn something new while getting your daily 30 minute walks in.